Saturday, April 18, 2015

Enable desktop icons and right click on Elementary Freya OS.

Hello friends,

This guide will show you that how I enabled desktop icons and create shortcuts on desktop
of elementary freya os.

First install Nautilus Dconf Tools.

sudo apt-get update

sudo apt-get install nautilus dconf-tools 

open dconf-tool and go to  org → gnome → nautilus→ desktop 
and tick on any option. which you want to view on desktop.

Then  go to,
org → pantheon → cerbere and add 'nautilus -n' entry as same as follow.
['wingpanel', 'plank', 'slingshot-launcher --silent', 'nautilus -n']

Open Terminal and type following command,
nautilus -n

Again open dconf-tools and go to,
org → gnome → desktop → background and tick on show-desktop-icons box

that's it.

If you face any problem then simply logout and login again.

I have personally tested it on one physical system and one VM also. It is working fine.